EIN Forms
Applying through EIN Forms!
EIN numbers are important to include in some of the government and state forms. Thus it is essential to apply for the same at the initial stages of the business. The EIN is a nine digit number and you apply for it through the EIN application form. No matter whether you are a corporation, cooperative, NGO, sole proprietor, corporation, estate or a trust, if you file tax you would need an EIN number. The EIN form SS4 is what would help you in getting the same.
New to the Business
One should not use the EIN of the previous owner of business, in case he takes over the business. If the new owner has his own registered EIN, he should use the same; else he should apply for one using the EIN form. IRS EIN form is available at IRS.
In the EIN application form, you have to fill in what kind of business entity you have; whether you have a corporation, estate, trust, partnership or any other kind of business. Then you have to provide your own full credentials which include your name, address, phone numbers, country information etc. the EIN form also ask for your legal business name.
The IRS EIN form also asks for reasons for applying like starting a new business or hired new employees or starting a trust etc. You should also mention the basic principle activities of your business, highest number of employees you have employed, third party designee and other major and minor details, complete your IRS EIN form.
Changes in Organization or Ownership
Remember that even if you have an EIN, still you would be required to have a new one in case you change your business organization or the business ownership. E.g., if you convert your firm from sole proprietorship to a partnership firm, you would be required to have a new EIN which can easily be done by filling EIN form SS4.
Online EIN forms
These days there is no need to fill a SS4 application. A new interview style application has been introduced by the Internal Revenue Service, which eases out the hassle of filling the SS4. One just has to answer a few questions asked, and once the verifications of the answers provided are done, you can download the EIM confirmation notice that would be mailed to you and save and print it for any references. If you face any kind of problems in downloading you can clear your queries at the IRS helpline as well.